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The Doneson Podcast

Jul 25, 2022

It's season 4️⃣ of The Doneson Podcast 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 Episode #6️⃣

An unidentified flying object (UFO) also called a UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon) [1] is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained.

Jul 18, 2022

The concept of a ghost, also known as a specter, is based on the ancient idea that a person’s spirit exists separately from his or her body, and may continue to exist after that person dies. Because of this idea, many societies began to use funeral rituals as a way of ensuring that the dead person’s spirit would not...

Jul 11, 2022

It's season 4️⃣ of The Doneson Podcast 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 Episode #4️⃣

Something ghostly looks or sounds like a ghost — strange and chilling. A ghostly figure appearing out of the fog can seem slightly unearthly.

Guest: Glen Weiss


Jul 4, 2022

Do you hear strange creaking or rattling noises in your house late at night?

Have you had paranormal experiences in the past?

Next time you hear or see something mysterious, you’ll be prepared to investigate and document evidence of a ghostly guest.

Guest: Maggs
empathic spiritual interpreter